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Read what other patients have said about us:

Jamie Estrada, Victoria

I started having pain in a tooth that I have a crown on. My dentist was closed for the holidays and Dr. Stafford was the only dentist office able to work me in during the holidays. Her staff was so caring and attentive, and Ashley at the front office was so helpful from the moment she was scheduling my appointment and getting all of my information to when I got there. Dr. Stafford noticed something wrong with my tooth that has probably been there for a while which is why I was having so many issues with it. I am so thankful to her and her staff for everything they did for me. Now I can enjoy my holiday weekend without any pain. Thank you, a million times, to the Impress family dentistry team!

Katelyn Gutierrez, Goliad

Very impressed with Dr. Stafford's dental work. Made me feel comfortable through the entire procedure.

Mark Blonsky, Menifee

If I could leave 10 stars I would

Smile With Confidence

As dental professionals it is our priority to provide quality dental care you can trust.
